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Literature Text

The Cross-Imperial Powers

Crucem-Imperii (Suton)
Poteri Croce-Imperiali (Sutina)
Kreuz-Kaiserlich Mächte (Aerah-Gezwut)
Çapraz İmparatorluk Güçleri (Knoss)
Διασταυρούμενες Αυτοκρατορικές Δυνάμεις (Luzerne)
Pouvoirs Croix-Impériaux (Isperian)
Cruz-Imperio Poderes (Concadorian)

1683; 1734; 1845; 1921–1944

The Cross-Pact

Not specified

Political Structure
Military Alliance

Historical Era
Late Renaissance Era to Present
Founding of the Military Alliance between the Antatre Empire and the Vethuliain Empire
(14th of October 1683)
The War of Fallen Kings
(3rd of November 1703 - 22nd of March 1734)
Soteris I succeeds the Antatrean Throne when Basilio VI dies.
(16th February 1709)
The Caesulen Empire is reunified
(29th of December 1734)
Soteris I receives the title Gallicus.
(29th December 1734)
The reconfiguration of the C-IP
(30th of December 1734)
Caesulia's first International Meeting since the start of the War
(18th of January 1735)
Caesulia holds their first Annual Imperial Ball and the Vethuliain came as Royal guests
(5th of April 1735)
Caesulen Southern Frontier Campaign
(16th of June 1737 - 30th of August 1742)
Aerahwut-Caesulen [Buraccan] Slave Trade
(27th of July 1746 - 7th of February 1761)
Caesulen Cletacith [Failed] Campaign
(19th of September 1773 - 2nd of June 1774)
The Vethuliain Empire loses their Western Territories near Caesulia
(17th April 1804)
Caesulia holds their 100th Annual Imperial Ball
(5th of April 1835)
Von Righ joins C-IP
(27th of July 1844)
The Vethuliain Empire Falls
(18th of September 1845)
The C-IP reassembles
(20th of Septemeber 1845)
The Great Sanctus War
(8th April 1909 – 12th September 1921)
Caesulia loses Salamondes Crege after Humiliating defeat from the 4th Knossodon Empire.
15th February 1921)
The C-IP reassembles [again]
(29th June 1921)
The Commonwealth of Isperia joins the C-IP
(16th of May 1926)
The 3rd Knossodon Republic joins C-IP
(18 June 1934)
Caesulia receives a piece of Southern Frontier back from Aerah
(18th June 1941)
The 3rd Knossodon Republic is kicked out C-IP from Caesulia
(15th October 1942)

Original Members as of 1683

Members as of 1734
Von Righ
[and some other small NPC states]

Members as of 1845
Aerah Empire
Von Righ
[and some other small NPC states]

Members after the Great War
Aerah Empire (Exited 1941)
Commonwealth of Isperia (Entered 1926)
United Clans of Buracca (Entered 1941)
The 3rd Knossodon Republic (Exited 1942)
Von Righ
[and some other small NPC states]


The Antatrea–Vethulia alliance occurred during the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century between the Antatre Empire and the Vethuliain Empire. Antatrea actually tried to maintain friendly relations with both the Grand Empire of Aerah and the Valcavich Kingdoms, who both often showed hostility to Antatrea.
Antatrea and Vethulia both felt unsafe and the two Imperial powers created the alliance officially on the 14th of October 1683. The alliance involved numerous exchanges of presents, military collaboration, and marital links, but was humiliated after the Great War when Caesulia lost terribly.

Alliance under Soteris I (1709–1737)

Emperor Soteris I Sotiropoulos, after re-establishing Caesulen Imperial rule, reconfigured the alliance with the Vethuliain Empire, who themselves were highly favorable to reconfiguring the Cross-Imperial Powers.

Soteris signed a treaty in 1734 with the last Kings and Queens who surrendered to be swallowed by Caesulia and Vethulia. Emperor Tenoch of Vethulia met with Emperor Soteris I to discuss the changes to the new Cross-Imperial Powers.

According to a 1734 letter by Royal Ambassador Sergius Seneca from Trifer, Petrus had agreed to combine forces with his father-in-law Soteris I to help the Sutons in the Salmondes Crege, in preparation for the next step to invade the 4th Knossodon Empire which never occurred.

Emperor Tenoch of Vethulia agreed to the newer terms of the Alliance which consisted of eleven simple terms.
The Alliance was in effect as an insurance policy for Caesulia and Vethulia which guaranteed the support of the two nations if any country was to break the current peace they had with each other and others who joined later, "either by direct hostilities, or by commerce and navigation," as a result of the signing of the Treaty of peace of Emhist. The treaty lays out the terms and conditions of this military alliance, establishes requirements for the signing of future peace treaties to end hostilities with any country, and provides a secret clause which leaves open the possibility of others, "who may have received injuries from a hostile country," to join the alliance.

Terms 1–4: Terms of the defensive alliance

The first terms of the treaty establish that in the case that war was to break out between any countries onto the countries in this Alliance, during the continuing hostilities of the Caesulen Imperial Conquests, a military alliance would be formed between those countries with Caesulia and Vethulia which would combine each respective military force, and efforts for the direct purpose of maintaining the "Imperial, Powerful and everlasting peace of the Cross-Imperial Alliance between all who are apart of it."

Terms 5–9: Terms and conditions of peace

This portion of the alliance is used to preemptively divide up any lands obtained from the country that opposes peace due to successful military campaigns or concessions made by the country in peace treaties to end hostilities with the signing nations. Additional clauses ensure that neither Vethulia nor Caesulia will seek to make any additional claims of compensation for their services during the conflict at hand, and that ensures side will cease fighting, nor sign a peace treaty with the country, without the consent of the other nation and insurances that the independence that the Alliance will be recognized by the country.

Term 10: Open invitation to other nations

Term 10 of the alliance, although largely directed to the Imperial countries of Valcavich and Aerah, invites any other nations to negotiate terms and conditions for joining the alliance.

Term 11: Pledge to honor land claims

Term 11 pledges to honor the lands claims of both nations forever into the future with Caesulia guaranteeing full support of Vethulia's current land claims, and any lands they may acquire during the war, against all other nations, and Vethulia, in turn, pledging support for Caesulen land claims and guaranteeing to help preserve the country's
"Imperial, Powerful and everlasting peace of the Cross-Imperial Alliance between all who are apart of it."

Alliance after Vethuliain Empire

After the fall of the Vethuliain Empire from internal causes. The two original signers to the Cross-Imperial powers were gone. Caesulia still retaining some sort of the ownership of the Alliance renewed it but excluded the Vethuliain Empire from the treaty since they don't exist anymore. The terms remained the same as Caesulia believed in the protection of the "Imperial, Powerful and everlasting peace of the Cross-Imperial Alliance between all who are apart of it."

Alliance before the Great War

Before the Great war in 1905, Caesulia added a new term to spread new military technology to help secure any sort of supremacy over the next country that could be more advanced than the other country within the alliance, the name of this new term was Term 12: Overall protection through new Inventions.

Alliance after the Great War

Caesulia fell into a great depression after the war and lost most of its southern territories and asked some other countries to help support Caesulia internally. Aerah helped with the influence of Fascism which later hurt the Imperial state more. Though, the terms remained, Caesulia added the 13th term, "To help Imperial states remain Imperial no matter what it takes." This term added the function of other countries within the Alliance to forcefully send in aid to help a broken Imperial state, which in this case it was Caesulia. Aerah left the alliance which hurt Caesulia since Aerah sent in large amounts of money and troops to support the broken state.

Most of the Cross-Imperial Powers and All of Caesulia belongs to me.
The Cross-Imperial Powers originally created by to Empires that aren't even around anymore! xD

For Thin-Red-Line.
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Quarteon01's avatar
Ooo sounds interesting